Birth Photography FAQ’s


What is birth photography?

  • It's the luxury of having a professional diligently capture the birth of a brand new person in your lives! It's having your journey, an adventure that is just beginning, recorded in your own right. Being able to witness the growth of a family is humbling/exhilarating experience, whether it's through child birth, surrogacy or adoption to name a few!

What does “On- Call” mean?

  • This type of photography service means I would be living a daily, 24/7 life of the following:

    • Phone is always charged, on my person and on the LOUDEST settings available; and so is my partner's as a back up!

    • No family trips, planned events, concerts that would be free from the possibility of being cut short.

    • Staying prepped w/all needed camera gear with me, and multiple hidden overnight bags in every vehicle.

    • Always driving separately to ensure a ride is available to leave at a moment's notice.

What services do you offer for birth coverage?

  • Documentary/Lifestyle photography and Keepsake Films

When should I book?

  • Yesterday! But in all seriousness, the earlier you book the better. You'll have more important tasks at hand closer to your estimated due date, preparing for their arrival. I'd recommend around the 13-15th week to book

Do you offer payment plans?

  • Yes, absolutely! It's best to be prepared to budget this, as it most definitely an extravagance you won't want to pass up! It makes for a wonderful gift you can ask friends and family to contribute to instead of other items you won't be treasuring in the long run.

What if my partner isn’t comfortable with the idea of having you in the room?

  • Bring your partner along to your consult! The big day is about them too. I can answer any questions they have, address concerns, and maybe even get them excited to have the option of being able to be more directly involved than worrying about getting the photos/video themselves!
    I'm not there for me, I'm there for your family. I will respect both your wishes, and we will always fully discuss your concerns during your consultations/check-ins before baby's debut.

What if my labor is really, really long?

  • Then I will be there a really, really long time! I come prepared for long births, and fast ones! I don't charge any kind of extra fees because simply, you cannot predict birth. I will take breaks during periods of time that permit it, to nap, eat, recharge and prep as needed.

I’m a modest person, and I’m not sure birth photography is for me. Do you offer other sessions?

  • If you want it directly following the birth, that would be a golden hour session. Also, I offer in-home lifestyle sessions for newborns, post-partum, and family sessions. There are plenty of options that could work for you!

When do you usually show to start coverage of my birth?

  • Once you inform me labor is starting, I begin to gather my gear and overnight bag. Typically, I will come at the minimum of around 5-6cm dilation. But I can be there when you wish, with communication being key! A birth photographer's so sad when they aren't notified at any inkling of labor, and then has a strong possibility of missing a birth with lack of, or very late notices. It crushes us to have the best chance of being there for you, cut down by not knowing any information we need.

When do I call you?

  • Anytime you think you may be in labor, always give me a call. Texting can go unnoticed and isn't recommended. You will be provided with all the #'s to get a hold of me any time of day.

What if you miss my birth?

  • Missing a birth is rare, and (knock on wood) I haven't had to experience that. If baby had other plans and made their entrance earth-side quick like lightning, you will be supplemented with choices of other available sessions. You will always get a quality service.

What can I expect from you at my birth? Are you very involved?

  • I am secondary to the medical staff/support, and I try to be as unobtrusive to their job as possible. If needed, I will only do what is asked of me if I am comfortable in my knowledge of said task at hand.

Do you shoot cesareans?

  • Planned C-Sections take place in an OR, which your doctor, surgeon, and anesthesiologist are in charge. You will have to discuss this ahead of time with your partner, and your medical team. Each provider, center and hospital will have the possibility for differing policies, so it's important to find what will work best for you. You are their patient, and I have no influence in those decisions. That being said, I love to capture these just as much as any other type of delivery.

What hospitals do you cover?

  • I will travel to any hospital and/or birthing location that is within a 60 mile radius of Sartell, MN 56377. This range also applies to birthing centers, and those that wish to birth at home. Basically, within an hour-ish of my home. (I have provided a radius map towards the bottom of this page.)

Lighting conditions/Do you use flash?

  • I am accustomed to the lowlight setups that help you labor. Flash isn't a necessity, as I normally use the available light. However, I do bring flashes in case permission is given in prior consultations that discuss what it could mean for your photos received. However, I will always respect your wishes should you change your mind.

Do you shoot video?

  • Yes, it is a stand-alone option, and an add-on service I can provide for you!

I have a list of photos that are wanted, can you capture them?

  • Requested shot lists are very helpful in knowing what is important to you! However, it's unrealistic to guarantee delivery of every shot on it. As much as I want to say, "I will get every shot you want", birth can be incredibly unpredictable, an uncontrolled event. Heck, even controlled events can get curve balls!

What other photography do you shoot?

  • Lifestyle family, newborn, and maternity and an occasional wedding. I don't shoot only for the business side of things. When it's for fun, I like to attend motorcycle races of all sorts! Concerts are another intrigue of mine that would be amazing down the road.

Model release? Full Release Discount?

  • It's a part that is built into your birth contract., and you can be rest assured that you will have full control over what will be or won't be shared. However, I do offer 5% off if you feel a full-release of your birth images would be a good fit for you. I will never pressure you to share your experience in ways that won't benefit you.

Do I need a birth plan?

  • While a birth plan isn't a necessity, having one is incredibly helpful for you, your partner and birth support system. Preparedness is always beneficial! If you haven't gotten around to making one, or even knew that was a thing, I have connections to birth professionals you can get in touch with to get one started!

What do I need to tell you about my pregnancy?

  • The must-knows that I will need are as follows:

    • Your estimated due date

    • Where you plan to birth

    • If you're finding out the sex, and if that information will be shared

  • Anything else pertaining to your pregnancy, is not any of my business. You are free to be as private, or as open as you wish! I don't give out any information to anybody that isn't directly involved with your pregnancy.

In case of emergencies, what part will you play?

  • When emergent situations occur prior to the birth, I am your family's last priority to contact. Please notify me when time allows, after your health needs have been met.

  • Hospitals/Birth Centers/Transports/Home-births/Planned C-Sections: If anything emergent happens while I am attending your birth, the medical professionals/staff's jobs come first before mine, as they likely will have policies in place that will be needing to be upheld. We will discuss this at your consults/check-ins, as this could affect your photographic coverage. This will also be covered in your birth contract.

Moment of crowning; do you take this photograph, or not?

  • If able, and only with your expressed desire to have it. I have my own shots from 2 of my children's births, and it never ceases to amaze me that they were there at one point in time!

How long you will stay?

  • Usually, I will stay up to 2 hours after the birth during the winding down period. This is the time I will utilize to get any events that accompany your journey.

How graphic will my photos be?

  • You will choose how you want your birth documented. I can keep to angles and shots that fit your want/discretion of coverage.

UNRAVEL Radius Map 2019.JPG

This is the base area of birth photography coverage, typically within 60 miles of Sartell, MN, 56377.

If you find that you are outside this area, send me your location information; we’d discuss what your birth coverage options would be.