Basic Photo FAQ’s

How long have you been doing photography?

o   I’ve been doing professional photography for over 10 years now, but I’ve always had a love for it. Growing up, you would usually find me with either a disposable camera, or attempting to learn on a film camera. Photographs are my favorite way of reliving important and every day moments in my life, and I wanted to give to others the same ability to view their own life’s moments.

Is there a type of photography you specialize in?

o   Currently, I am working on my certification for Birth Photography. I have covered over 10 births, but am wishing to get up to the hundreds! In order to do this, I want my future clients to know that I am very serious about documenting this event that cannot take place twice, to the best of my abilities. I’ve taken extensive courses and am now ready to exercise the knowledge gained through birth model calls! (Check out the Model Call gallery here!) But for now, I am enjoying all types of sessions!

How would you describe your photography style?

o   I enjoy lifestyle using the naturally available light in whatever setting the photos take place. Overall, I tend to just give the scene a little contrast with the lights and dark working together, with the truest version of the coloring as seen with my naked eye. Truly capturing how it is perceived and how it happened is what I aim to do. Although, I do know how to provide better lighting in extremely dim settings, or in less than favorable setups that need it with speedlites.

Do you photograph for the LGBTQIA people and their families?

o   Of course, why wouldn’t I? I’ve always been a firm believer that love is love. I do not think that families must adhere to any type of formula or setup. Adoption, surrogacy, same-sex marriages, etc, are all great examples of what family and love can be. I am all for it, and for it all ♥

Do you have insurance?

o   Absolutely!  It not only protects my business and it’s assets; it protects you in the sense that I’m not simply a hobbyist. My business insurance is through a local State Farm team, and I am happy to provide a COI (Certificate of Insurance) upon request.

What kind of photography equipment do you use?

o   The camera bodies I use are all Canon: 5DMarkIV(main), 5DMarkii and 7D(backups).

o   Lenses: Canon 50mm 1.8ii; Canon 35mm 2.0; Tamron 28-78 2.8; Tamron 90mm 2.8 Macro; Sigma 70-300 4.0

o   Speedlites x4; can be used on camera, along with off-camera remote settings on stands as needed

o   Sandisk Memory cards in both CF + SD versions; I use large storage of 64GB-128GB to help lessen the chance of needing to switch out cards, thus lessen the risk of losing important photos or damaging the cards themselves.

Why should we hire you?

o   This is a fair question that has so many different ways it can be answered, but the best reason why is this:
“I have the technical abilities necessary to do this job, no problem. But what sets me apart from others is not my experience, or even what I charge for my services; it’s simply because I provide you with the happy, supportive experience you deserve, no matter what kind of session you are needing. Serving you is considered a privilege, and within reason, I will always strive to do my absolute best.”

How do you prepare yourself before a job?

o   I have set checklists for each session type that I double check every day, for 3-7 days before the event. This allows me to make sure I have all functional equipment, and time to fix anything should it be needed. Luck favors the prepared, right?!

Should I practice posing, or have matching outfits for our session?

o   Oh gosh, no practice is needed! I provide easy prompts for your photos and will do my job in finding that true smile of yours! Outfits are whatever you feel most comfortable wearing, and I can provide suggestions based on your vision. Typically, I only request that you avoid anything neon colored, graphic t-shirts, and small patterned fabric that can be difficult to work with in post-session editing.

Do you offer discounts?

o   Availability for discounted sessions will vary throughout the year, as I do model/casting calls at my discretion.
Military, both active and retired veterans do get a 10% discount towards their session, and any prints/products ordered from that session.

Do you travel for sessions or weddings?

o   Uh, YES! Road trips are like therapy for me, and traveling is good for one’s soul. Recently, I was able to get a passport, but have yet to use it! Hopefully it’ll get it’s first stamp soon 😉 I do have a basic travel fee process, and it depends on what photography you are needing. We go over that information during your consulting process.